cub promise

I promise to do my best,
To do my duty to God and my country,
To keep the Law of the Wolf Cub pack,
And to do a good turn to somebody every day.

cub law

The Cub gives in to the Old Wolf,
The Cub does not give in to himself/herself.

cub motto

Do your Best

more about Cubs

Cubs is for boys and girls between 7 and 10 years old. We all know the adventures described in the Jungle Book! The characters are a young boy and jungle animals that children can relate to, led by Akela – the jungle book’s leader of the wolf pack. Together, they embark on exciting adventures whilst learning new skills.

frequently asked questions

Join us on a Friday evening frm 17h30 – 19h00 during Government school terms.

We also have an activity calendar, please click here to view.

Payments are made in advance and discounts available, chat to Gillian for more information

Download the fee structure here:
Financial Obligation

The Cub Advancement Programme provides the levels that a Cub works on at different stages of their Cub Trail, starting when they earn Membership and are invested as a Cub, and continuing as they earn their Silver Wolf, Gold Wolf and Leaping Wolf badges, and finally their Link Badge when they go up to Scouts.

Along the way, there are plenty of Cub Interest Badges that a Cub can earn, on a wide range of fun topics.

Yes! Please click here to download your copy 

Get in touch with Gillian 072 454 9850 for for more information

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