meerkat promise

I will love my God, be kind and stand tall.

meerkat law

A Meerkat always stands tall.

more about meerkats

For decades Scouting in South Africa served children and young people between the ages of 7 and 30. However,in a country where adequate education is lacking, SSA identified the necessity for a programme to address the developmental needs of children aged 5-6 years old. The Meerkat Programme has been developed to help meet these needs.

Early childhood education is inextricably linked to how children will perform as adults, largely because early learning builds the foundation for later success. SCOUTS South Africa strives to prepare its members to overcome life’s challenges and to succeed as skilled, confident and contact us for more information, click on the link below!

frequently asked questions

Join us on a Friday evening from 17h30 – 18h30 during Government school terms.

We also have an activity calendar, please click here to view.

Please download the fee structure here: Financial Obligations

Payments are made in advance and discounts are available. Chat to Linden for more information.

The Meerkat Trail provides the badges and awards that a Meerkat can earn, starting when they earn their Membership and continuing with the three Advancement Badges of Bronze Star, Silver Star, and Gold Star.

They will earn Challenge Badges on seven different themes, and finally, their Burrowing Up Badge when they turn 7 and become a Cub.

Along the way, they can also earn Interest Badges on a wide range of fun topics, and two Special Badges.

Yes! Please click here to download your copy 

Get in touch with Linden on 082 454 8856 for for more information

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