
Resources for parents

Consent Form

This form will be required for each event that does not take place on the premises of 37th Springvale. Please download, complete and hand to your Scouter to access each event.

Click Here to get download.

Scout Shop

Purchase your uniforms at the scout shop.

Click here for the Scouts South Africa website

Scouts Wiki

Here you will find the resources you need as Meerkats, Cubs, Scouts, Rovers and Adult Leaders to experience the ultimate Scouting Adventure!

The Challenge to you is to help contribute to this Wiki by Sharing, Sharing, Sharing.

This site is provided to help you share your information and get the shared information of others about Scouting.

Click here for Scouts Wiki

Purchase "your scout journey" book

Get your copy if you are in Scouts.
Click here for your copy!

Purchase "what every scout should know about"

You are in for a treat. Denis R. Samson aka White Fang, one of our oldest Scouters wrote a book that every scout should have.
Click Here to get Your Copy!

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